Quick fix tendli dry fry

Quick fix tendli dry fry

Courtesy - Alzeyne Ghadialy
0 0 2585

Yummy Tendli fry

  • To prep

    10 min
  • To cook

    20 min
  • Level

  • Servings

  • Tendli - Gherkin sliced
  • Oil
  • mdh stuffed paratha masala
  • finely chopped coriander
  • Salt


    Saute tendli in some oil.
    Once sauted.
    Add mdh stuffed paratha masala and salt as per taste.
    Stir fry until the veggie is cooked.
    Sprinkle some finely chopped coriander to finish.
    Serve hot with rotis.
Recipe By

MafrinFounder, Zoroastrian Connection

IT Expert, Globe Trotter,
Founder, Zoroastrian Connection,
Profession - Software Developer

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