Cheese Mayo Sandwich

Cheese Mayo Sandwich

Ably assisted by Deia Balsara, Courtesy - Mohnaz
0 0 4344

Was bored and wanted something different but extremely easy to make as I hate cooking so after seeing left over slice bread rummaged through the refrigerator and found that I had cheese and Mayo.

  • To prep

    30 min
  • To cook

    30 min
  • Level

  • Servings

  • Slice bread
  • Store bought mayonnaise or you can make your own mayonnaise
  • Grated Amul cheese or mozzarella cheese


    Take 2 slices of bread.
    Apply mayonnaise on one slice and top it with cheese.
    Put the sandwich in a sandwich maker. The cheese will melt and fuse the slices together to make a sandwich.
    If you do not have a sandwich maker use a non stick pan to toast the sandwich. The cheese will melt and fuse the slices together to make a sandwich.
    Take a fork and poke sandwich at couple of places to let out steam because the outside of the sandwich might cool down but due to melted cheese the inside of the sandwich will be burning hot.
    Serve hot with either ketchup or green chutney or fried straw potatoes.
Recipe By

Mohnaz BalsaraMember of ZFC

Own a travel company called DeiaMo Paradiso. Have extensive deals in over 100+ countries. Love to travel and take tons of photograhs.

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