Gor Papri

Gor Papri

by Katy Damania and Arni Balsara
0 0 6836

An ancient forgotten sweet treat made from jaggery and ginger powder is a good treat for nursing mothers to have while breast feeding their baby since ginger powder encourages milk production in the mother.

  • To cook

    30 min
  • Level

  • Servings

  • 1 kilo Jaggery chopped
  • 1/4 cup water or less(just to melt the Jaggery
  • 3 tbsp ginger powder or as per taste of spice level
  • Handful of nuts like almonds, peanuts, sesame seeds etc (if the person is allergic to nuts do not use)
  • Ghee for lining the tray


    Boil the water.
    Add jaggery and keep stirring it on medium heat. It will take about an hour before it will start thickening.
    Take a drop out on a tray and let it cool. It should make a crackle sound when you bite on it and not soft.
    Add ginger powder and nuts let it cook for 15 more mins.
    Pour it out on an oiled tray.
    Let it cool over night.
    Break and enjoy.
Recipe By

Mohnaz BalsaraMember of ZFC

Own a travel company called DeiaMo Paradiso. Have extensive deals in over 100+ countries. Love to travel and take tons of photograhs.

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