Cheesy Maggi

Cheesy Maggi

Could be substituted for store bought pasta, By Mohnaz
0 0 5725

My niece's most favourite spaghetti dish but since it’s got preservatives and other harmful ingredients for a child we limit it to only once a month. The rest of the time we give store bought pasta with the same measurements and same ingredients instead of Maggie Noodles.

  • Level

  • Servings

  • 285 gms any store bought spaghetti or Maggie Chicken noodles (not spicy)
  • 3 packets 2 minutes chicken noodles tastemaker seasoning (that comes
  • with the Maggi)
  • 125 gms plain Go Cheese Spread (room temperature)
  • Water as per mentioned on the pack


    Add cheese spread & 3 packets tastemakers in water and soak it for 30
    minutes so that the cheese spread melts.
    Then put the pan with mixture on lowest flame setting till cheese melts.
    Add all the 4 packets of Maggi to it and cook stirring constantly till
    the Maggi is cooked, water has evaporated, and the cheese has mixed
Recipe By

Mohnaz BalsaraMember of ZFC

Own a travel company called DeiaMo Paradiso. Have extensive deals in over 100+ countries. Love to travel and take tons of photograhs.

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