Simple Homemade Curd

Simple Homemade Curd

Courtesy - Mohnaz, Dahi
0 0 3838

Please Note If you are making curd at home for the first time buy a little curd and add it according to instructions given in preparation and method. However do not add curd to hot milk as it will coagulate the milk. Frothing the milk will make thick curd. Using a sour stater will make a sour curd. If the milk does not set well try again with fresh milk by increasing the culture, keeping it in a warmer place, and adding your culture to warmer milk. Making good curd at home comes by experimenting and experience. Try different ways with different starters, different brand of milk, and different places in the kitchen. Makes 1 Litre Curd

  • To prep

    30 min
  • To cook

    30 min
  • Level

  • Servings

  • Ingredients
  • 1 Litre whole full fat milk (If you are diet conscious you can use skimmed milk but the consistency won't be the same)
  • 1 teaspoon curd (increase it to 3/4 or 1 tablesppon if making it in winter)
  • 1 dried red chilly broken (if you like it spicy)
  • Preparation of making curd
  • Rinse the pot very well. This reduces the chances of milk solids getting stuck to the bottom.
  • Pour milk in the pot and bring it to a boil on a medium to lowest flame setting.
  • To get thick curd once it comes to a boil simmer the milk for 15 minutes on the lowest flame setting.
  • Keep stirring in between or else milk will burn and smell bad.
  • Simmering step is to get a very thick curd consistency. However you can skip this step if you are okay with moderately thick curd.


    Allow the milk to cool down.
    If you are intending to use a curd culture that has come down to room temperature then allow the boiled milk to luke warm temperature.
    But if you are using the culture directly from the fridge then the temperature of the milk must be mildly warmer than luke warm. Immerse your clean finger in the milk and check the temperature or you can even use food thermometer.
    Add a teaspoon of curd tot he milk and stir well. You might need to experiment with the amount of starter to use till you get the result you want.
    Cover and move the bowl to a warm place.
    Allow it to set for 6-10 hours depending on the climate.
    If you wish for a spicy curd break a red chilly and drop it in milk.
    If you live in a cold climate area then keep it in a casserole or in the oven with the light on.
    When the curd is set move it to the refrigerator.
    If you want a thicker hung curd then tie the curd in a muslin cloth and let all the water drain our. However this is a smelly process and be prepared for your whole kitchen to smell of curd.
Recipe By

Mohnaz BalsaraMember of ZFC

Own a travel company called DeiaMo Paradiso. Have extensive deals in over 100+ countries. Love to travel and take tons of photograhs.

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